Changes in the hospitality industry

Epidemija je v zadnjih letih dodobra zamajala gostinski sektor in znova pokazala, da je prilagodljivost ena bistvenih lastnosti uspešnega poslovanja. Medtem, ko so nekateri gostinci doživeli žalosten konec, pa se je marsikdo uspešno prilagodil vsem novim izzivom, bodisi z dostavo hrane na dom, odprtjem zunanjih teras ali drugimi inovativnimi rešitvami.  

In recent years, the epidemic has shaken the catering sector and once again demonstrated that flexibility is one of the essential characteristics of a successful business. While some restaurateurs experienced a sad end, many successfully adapted to all new challenges, whether by delivering food to their homes, opening outdoor terraces or other innovative solutions.

It appears that social distancing has changed consumer behavior and brought changes to the hospitality industry that could last for a long time. 

Food delivery

Food delivery was popular even before the crisis itself, and during the closure of the society, it represented the only possibility of survival for many. People have become accustomed to the convenience and speed of delivery, and we can assume that online or telephone ordering of food will continue to be in high demand in the coming years.

But the key is to offer a perfect experience for the user, from selection to payment to order fulfillment, for which we need an efficient system.

Ključno pa je ponuditi brezhibno izkušnjo za uporabnika, od izbire prek plačila do izpolnitve naročila, za kar potrebujemo dobro postavljen sistem.

Employee training

The hospitality sector, as many others, faces a shortage of staff and overworked employees. Onboarding new employees quickly and efficiently, without putting extra pressure on current employees, has never been more important. A comprehensive program with a simple user interface can significantly help us with this. celovit program s preprostim uporabniškim vmesnikom.


In order to be able to adapt to new trends, continue and improve business, restaurateurs will therefore have to invest in modern technology. From an efficient and comprehensive POS system, online food ordering, table ordering, QR menus, contactless payment,...

TRONpos GASTRO is a professional cashier solution for managing catering establishments and restaurants. The advantage is the complete adaptability of the system to the requirements of users and restaurant managers, and at the same time it provides advanced tools for faster and better service to guests. By using TRONpos remote ordering, we significantly speed up service and reduce the possibility of errors in orders, while at the same time it allows us to print invoices right at the table of our guests.

The TRONqr digital menu is a web application that provides guests with an easy and quick overview of the menu on any phone, thus reducing the use of traditional menus. With the QR menu, we can also get feedback from our guests about their satisfaction with the food and service. Od učinkovitega in celovitega POS sistema, spletnega naročanja hrane, naročanja pri mizah, QR menijev, brezstičnega plačevanja,..

TRONpos GASTRO je profesionalna blagajniška rešitev za vodenje gostinskih lokalov in restavracij. Prednost je popolna prilagodljivost sistema zahtevam uporabnikov, vodjem gostinskih lokalov in hkrati zagotavlja napredna orodja za hitrejšo in kvalitetnejšo postrežbo gostov. Z uporabo TRONpos daljinskega naročanja bistveno pohitrimo postrežbo in zmanjšamo možnost napak pri naročilih, hkrati pa nam omogoča tiskanje računov kar ob mizi naših gostov.

TRONqr digitalni meni je spletna aplikacija, s katero zagotovimo gostom enostaven in hiter pregled menija na katerem koli telefonu in tako zmanjšamo uporabo klasičnih menijev. S QR menijem lahko od naših gostov pridobimo tudi povratno informacijo o zadovoljstvu s hrano in postrežbo.

What's next?

It appears that one of the most challenging periods for the hospitality sector is largely behind us. The health crisis has clearly shown how important it is not to stagnate in our daily operations and to adapt to new trends.It is essential, however, that we prepare for the changed operation of the industry in the future with some thoughtful solutions already today. Comprehensive business solutions from Comtron, which is one of the leading companies in the field of system integration and business software in Slovenia, can help you with this.

Bistveno pa je, da se na spremenjeno delovanje panoge tudi v prihodnosti, pripravimo z nekaj premišljenimi rešitvami že danes. Pri tem vam lahko pomagajo celovite poslovne rešitve podjetja Comtron, ki je eno izmed vodilnih podjetij na področju sistemskih integracij in poslovne programske opreme v Sloveniji. 

Changes in the hospitality industry
MasaKolmancic 6 January, 2023

Mesečne TRONpos novosti (kopija)
Marec 2022